Everything To Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

July 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — modernroswell @ 1:28 pm

If you have misaligned, broken, worn, chipped, or have gaps between the teeth, the best way to treat them is to opt for the Family cosmetic dentistry Roswell. It is an effective procedure that can help you improve your teeth’ appearance and functionality. Usually, your cosmetic dentist will look at your dental condition to determine the best type of dental procedure for your dental problem. This thorough post will cover all the basic information about cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a combination of art and science that helps improve your smile’s appearance. This procedure also includes different ways of restoring the functionality of the teeth. If you have more than one family member with dental problems, you can choose family and implant dentistry Roswell to improve your smile. The cosmetic dentistry procedures include:

  • Moving teeth from their original positions.
  • Getting veneers or caps.
  • Other dental procedures may not require surgery to improve your mouth and teeth.

Different Types Of Cosmetic Dentistry

There are various cosmetic dentistry services for those who want to enhance their dental health. You can choose from multiple types of cosmetic dentistry that focus on improving your teeth’ shape, size, color, or overall appearance. Below are some of the cosmetic dentistry types:

  • Teeth Whitening

It is amongst the simplest and most cost-effective dental methods you can opt for to enhance the appearance of your teeth. You can get your teeth bleaching done by the best Family dental Roswell. However, if you wish to save more money, you can also choose to buy a mold along with whitening gels from the do the bleaching process at home.

  • Dental Veneers

It is another common cosmetic dentistry type. These are a lot like wafer-thin, customized shells of a tooth-colored resin or porcelain that will cover the mouth’s front surface. In this method, your dentist will remove a half-millimeter enamel from the tooth surface. And your dentist will cement the veneer to the front surface of your teeth, changing your teeth’ size, shape, length, and color.

  • Dental Implants

Dental implants are another great cosmetic dentistry type that efficiently resolves a missing tooth. As slowly and steadily the jawbone gets treated and heals, it will grow encircling the implanted metal post, which will secure the place inside the jaw and provide a foundation for a tooth replacement.

  • Onlay and Inlays

Inlays and Onlays, also known as indirect fillings, are great examples of cosmetic dentistry procedures. They are generally made from gold, porcelain, or composite materials. Your family dental care can also help you fill damaged or teeth been worn out. However, the two fillings differ in how it is applied to the tooth.


Even if cosmetic dentistry is mainly about dental aesthetics, it also benefits oral health. These procedures will make it easy for you to maintain oral health and provide solutions to repair chipped, cracked, or decaying teeth. Make sure to get directions from your family dentist Roswell for the most effective procedure according to your dental health.