Root Canal Vs. Tooth Extraction – All You Need To Know

March 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — modernroswell @ 1:35 pm

Do you have a cracked tooth or deep cavity? When you opt for a dental exam and teeth cleaning in Roswell, your dentist might suggest a tooth extraction or root canal to deal with the problem. The severity of the tooth’s injury will determine the final procedure during dental checkup Roswell. While these are regarded as interchangeable, tooth extractions and root canals are entirely distinct procedures having their pros & cons.

During standard dental services Roswell, the dentist will be identifying the tooth or set of teeth that might be in poor condition. Usually, if a tooth appears to be in poor condition might be due to:

  • Teeth being impacted due to abnormal bite.
  • Overcrowded teeth.
  • Severely decayed teeth.
  • A tooth is cracked or chipped.
  • Trauma due to some physical accident.
  • Effect on the chewing ability.

Understanding the Difference Between Root Canal and Extraction

As a dentist performing a dental exam and teeth cleaning in Roswell will identify the common problems, the next step is to analyze the proper treatment.

What is the Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal is performed when the dentist identifies that the tooth has not been significantly decayed or damaged. The dentist, in this case, can identify the healthier parts of teeth. In addition to this, the dentists will also be examining the gum support and bone density around the tooth. In a situation in which it is safe to save the healthy remains of the tooth, a root canal treatment is the best available solution.

A root canal treatment is carried out by removing the pulp or infected bacteria from the affected tooth area. The inside of the infected tooth is cleaned, disinfected, and sealed properly. This helps in preventing the tooth from getting decayed in the future. In a root canal treatment, it is recommended to take care of what and when to eat after the treatment.

What is the Tooth Extraction Treatment?

The dentist, in this case, will determine if the tooth has decayed beyond repair and the surrounding bone density and gum support are weak. In such a situation, a tooth extraction treatment is the best available choice.

Under the impact of local anesthesia, the dentist will numb the affected area. Then, the dentist will widen the gap of the tooth socket while using forceps to rock the tooth until it gets removed from the socket. The pain might increase once the effect of anesthesia wears off. The dentist will also offer a gauze pad to prevent bleeding after tooth extraction.


When your tooth has suffered significant damage, a root canal should be your priority unless it is essential to opt for tooth extraction. The dentist is always in the best position to determine the best possible treatment for your tooth. For the best-ever experience, you should hire professional dental services Roswell. With a reliable professional at your hand, you can rest assured of the results.